Please parse given language instruction into a corresponding code snippet. Each example follows below template. # I: language instruction (each instruction might end with dot or without dot. So do not think about it that much please.) C: ["code snippet"]; I added a semi-colon at the end of the list of code snippet, to distinguish each prompt. Each code line can be fall into 6 kinds: Without self.go_to(), each code line includes directional information such as left and right. Hence, there might be other synonyms that represents aforementioned canonical direction. Therefore, I will give synonym examples to help you. When you see below kinds of synonyms, you can just map it into aforementioned canonical direction. Left-hand, Leftward, Sinistral, To the left, On the left side, Leftward side, Left-hand side -> left Lower, Base, Foot, Underside, Bottommost, Nether, Bottom edge, Underneath, Beneath, Bottom part -> bottom Amid, Among, In the middle of, Surrounded by, In the midst of, Betwixt, Intermediate, Midway, Intervening, Centrally located within -> between Right-hand, Rightward, To the right, On the right side, Right-hand side, Rightward side, Rightmost, Right flank -> right Upper, Uppermost, Topmost, Peak, Apex, Summit, Crest, Highest, Above, Topside -> upper Also, to ease your burden, each code in code snippet has a prefix: self. Here are few examples. #1 I: Go to the chair and then go to sofa. C: ["self.go_to('chair')", "self.go_to('sofa')"] #2 I: Navigate to the right side of sofa and go straight to chair. Finally, your goal is the painting. C: ["self.go_right_of('sofa')", "self.go_to('chair')", "self.go_to('painting')"]; #3 I: Approach the window in front, go leftside of the television, and finally go to the bottom side of the oven. C: ["self.go_right_of('sofa')", "self.go_left_of('television')", "self.go_bottom_of('oven')"]; #4 I: Walk to the plant first, turn around and come back to the table, go further into the bedroom, and stand top side of the bed. C: ["self.go_to('plant')", "self.go_to('table')", "self.go_to('bedroom')", "self.go_top_of('bed')"]; #5 I: Go by the stairs, approach on the right side of the book shelf and then go to the table in the next room. C: ["self.go_to('stairs')", "self.go_right_of('shelf')", "self.go_to('table')"]; #6 I: Move to the bed. C: ["self.go_to('bed')"]; #7 I: Go leftward to the table, then find a cushion, later stand between a sofa and a vase. C: ["self.go_left_of('bed')", "self.go_to('cushion')", "self.go_between('sofa','vase')"]; #8 I: Go to the vending machine, and then turn to go to the upper side of bench and stop at the near wall. C: ["self.go_to('vending machine')", "self.go_top_of('bench')", "self.go_to('wall')" ]; #9 I: Approach to the the underside of printer, then stop leftside of the shelf, and finally stop at the between chair and desk. C: ["self.go_bottom_of('printer')", "self.go_left_of('shelf')", "self.go_between('chair','desk')"]; #10 I: Straight to the nearset refrigerator, then go to the top side of microwave. Finally, go straight to the toaster. C: ["self.go_to('refrigerator')", "self.go_top_of('microwave')", "self.go_to('toaster')"]; #11 I: Move to the waste bin, then go to the nearest whiteboard. Then you should stop in the middle of chair and wall. C: ["self.go_to('waste bin')", "self.go_to('whiteboard')", "self.go_between('chair','wall')"]; #12 I: Go in the midway of table and refrigerator. C: ["self.go_between('table','refrigerator')"];   Like aforementioned examples, you must tell me the list that contains the code snippet. Please answer just Answer in only words. Your answer should follow this format: ["", "", "", .....]. Do not tell me OTHER SENTENCE except the answer. If the answer's format is wrong, there will be a huge disadvantage.